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AXON Ivy offers global coverage and the knowledge, technology and resources to help customers successfully drive change.

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DST Systems

DST’s AWD platform aligns with its broader strengths and focuses primarily on healthcare, financial services, and insurance. That creates a clarity of purpose in building product capabilities designed to serve customers in those areas, offering capabilities such as process automation and management, case management, and document management.

The platform scales to meet the needs of highly transactional environments. DST has embraced a low-code
development environment that supports rapid iteration, focusing on addressing deep process needs in its target verticals.

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Bizagi was an early proponent of the trends that have moved process to the center of digital transformation.

With process modeling and low-code development tools available for free download, Bizagi’s value proposition aims squarely at enabling collaboration between business and IT. That said, Bizagi also possesses the native capabilities and partnerships needed to support business process automation across the enterprise — including business decision management and robotic process automation.

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While most traditional BPM vendors added low-code development to enable rapid application development and iteration, K2 was an early adopter and disrupter in the low-code BPM space.
It has been steadily addressing increasingly deep and complex process applications.

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Founded in 2006, Nintex USA Inc. provides workflow automation software and platform for business users, developers, and IT professionals.

The company provides its solutions for automating various processes, such as human resources, operations, finance and administration, sales and marketing, and information technology.

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Appian has a strategic focus on providing a low-code platform to rapidly build consistent, secure, mission-critical business applications. As a Leader in both Forrester’s DPA and lowcode Forrester Waves, it is well positioned to help customers on complex process applications while also supporting the efficient automation of a broad range of processes required to drive true digital transformation.

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Software AG

A longtime player in the traditional BPM space, with its webMethods BPMS, Software AG offers strong support for dynamic case management, integrated RPA, extensive document support, and process modeling. With the addition and integration of webMethods AgileApps for low-code, rapid development, Software AG now has a portfolio that can help an organization go wide in DPA deployments.

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Founded in 1983, Pegasystems develops software for customer relationship management (CRM), digital process automation, and business process management (BPM).

Pegasystems also offers business applications, including sales force and marketing automation, and call center software, all based on the same consistent process platform that drives its DPA offering. When fully adopted by an enterprise, this approach creates a highly unified and agile architecture.

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Splunk Inc. produces software for searching, monitoring, and analyzing machine-generated big data, via a Web-style interface. Splunk's mission is to make machine data accessible across an organization by identifying data patterns, providing metrics, diagnosing problems, and providing intelligence for business operations. Splunk is a horizontal technology used for application management, security and compliance, as well as business and Web analytics.

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